By Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz and Msgr. J. Brian Bransfield
The presence of new life in the womb of the mother brings unique joy and hope to the center of our families, our Church and our world. It is the ultimate gift. At this very same moment when God created your child, He also created you as a mother and as a father.
This is an incredible new beginning as the gift of life is already unfolding and Christ rejoices with you in the moment.
Your child has, along with God, not only given you a gift … but an invitation as well -- an invitation to grow in your faith, an invitation to accept the support of your parish community and an invitation to more fully embrace your relationship with Christ.
Gift of Joy is part of that invitation -- a tiny treasure to help you celebrate and understand your unique role as a parent and recipient of God's gift of life. It also introduces you to the experience of the blessing of the Church through the special Blessing of the Child in the Womb.
God is moving in your life in a remarkable way, no matter where you are on your faith journey or how many obstacles or opportunities you are facing in the world. Embrace this gift of joy and accept His invitation to grow closer to Him and the Church.
The basic premise of the book "is to better understand child development so that we can minister to the children and their families." Ages, Stages and Phases incorporates the most widely accepted developmental theories of major well-known psychologists and physicians in a simple, straightforward presentation intended for all readers.
By Catherine and Bernard Scherrer
Written by Catholic parents for their own children, this book introduces the "facts of life" to pre-teens in a reverent and respectful manner by presenting the biological facts in the context of meditations on the joyful mysteries of the Rosary. Chastity is shown to be the Christian way of living out God's will as it encourages an attitude of reverence for the mysteries of procreation. Illustrated.
Originally published in France, this book has been so popular that it has already been translated and published in six other language editions.
"The Joyful Mysteries of Life is a response to the Church's call for good resources for education in sexuality. With its predominantly spiritual and moral emphasis, in a positive, clear and delicate way, this book is designed to assist parents in their task of formation." - Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, President, Pontifical Council for the Family
Rupprecht, Hosea
Cotter, Theresa
By Simcha Fisher
An easy and lively read-funny, frank, and thoroughly grounded in Catholic theology.
So, you've decided to use Natural Family Planning.
Has it blessed your marriage? Deepened your respect for your body? Has it made your sex life fantastic? Do you and your spouse hold hands at sunset, and do pink flowers grow around your marital bed?
If so, this book is not for you.
But if you've tried Natural Family Planning and have discovered that your life is now awful-or if you feel judged or judgey, or if you trust NFP but your doctor doesn't, or if you're just trying to figure out how the heck to have a sex life that is holy but still human-you'll find comfort, encouragement, honesty, wit, and, most important, practical advice in The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Planning. Popular Catholic writer Simcha Fisher shows what it's really like to practice NFP, and how to achieve those fabled "marriage building" benefits.
The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Planning helps you with:
- NFP and Your Spiritual Life
- NFP and the Rest of the World
- NFP in the Trenches
The next time you ask yourself, "If NFP is wonderful, why am I so miserable?" - don't panic. The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Planning is here to help.
Using age-appropriate language to describe the basic nature of sexual intercourse between a husband and wife and discusses conception, fetal development, childbirth, and breastfeeding. For children ages 5 to 8.
Practical advice from a mom based on her 25 years of experience in raising eight children, six of them sons.
Pierce, Kathy
In this work, Sheen masterfully addresses every conceivable issue that parents can expect to confront in their relationships with their children as they grow into adulthood and helps them to approach these with love and deliberation.
David and Mercedes Rizzo Take it from people who know! Being a special needs parent comes with deep, often unexpected challenges that can shake your faith to the core. Drawing from their personal experience, David and Mercedes Rizzo share openly the myriad challenges of parenting a special needs child, while offering grace-filled counsel on practical steps you can take and suggested prayers to invite God into your situation. Topics include finding doctors and specialists who will treat your child with respect and kindness; advocating for your childs individualized education plan; preparing your child to receive the Sacraments; giving attention to your marriage and your other children; and preparing your child for adulthood.
Face your challenges with the power of prayer! For every parent and caretaker of a special needs child, this resource will build your faith and offer practical ways to incorporate hope and prayer into your daily life.
The Catholic Home is a guide to the management celebrations and traditions for holidays, feast days, and every day for a Catholic household. You'll find included prayers, saints' days, how to prepare for the sacraments, traditional foods, and good family fun.
With simple language, interesting anecdotes, and biblical applications, Susie Larson helps readers understand that although teaching perspective and gratitude to our children is critical, it is not difficult.
Hunt, Jeanne
Blessing and Prayers for New Parents calls attention to these holy moments by offering reflections, prayers, Scripture, special suggestions for growing as a parent, and ways to remember how much you love your child as you grow together as a family.
By Mike Aquilina and Mark W. Sullivan
Many of us give up on prayer when we don't get the answer we want WHEN we want it.
For nearly two decades, Saint Monica prayed for her wayward son. Years and years of prayers, seemingly unanswered. Countless tears shed with no relief. Yet she would not give up.
That very act of persistent prayer blessed the entire Church, for we have all benefitted from the conversion of her son, Augustine, who became one of the most revered saints of all time.
Parents of any age or at any stage can cultivate the same virtues in prayer that Saint Monica discovered during her long wait for God's answer for her child. This devotion includes 18 contemporary reflections, meditations taken from the writings of Saint Augustine, and prayers adapted from the liturgy and other ancient sources.
Don't give up. Persistence in prayer can change everything-for you, your children, and maybe even the world.
Author and mother of four Marybeth Hicks suggests an alternative: bringing up geeks. In this groundbreaking book, she shows parents how they can help their children gain the enthusiasm to pursue their passions, not just the latest fashions; the confidence to resist peer pressure and destructive behaviors; the love of learning that helps them excel at school and in life; and the maturity to value family as well as friends, as well as make good moral decisions.
By Rita Redding Hejkal Illustrated by Shannon Collins Hejkal
A Lap Library Card Homeschooling in the Early Years An uplifting "guidebook" for all parents, the author offers practical ideas and encouragement for integrating learning into ordinary, everyday family life. Designed with busy parents in mind, it is easy to read even if read in fits and starts. Recounting her own family's experiences with homeschooling in the early years, she shares lessons learned as well as joys celebrated and savored. The book includes commentary/evaluation by her now-grown homeschooled children as well as a chapter written by her husband especially for the Dads.
Fenelon, Marge
Art and Laraine Bennett
"And they lived happily ever after." Only in fairy tales, you say. But there is life after the honeymoon-messy, challenging, happily-married life. That's the great promise of Catholic marriage, and if you're married or considering marriage the joy is there for you, too.
Many Catholics today share the culture's unease-fear of divorce, the prevalence of cohabitation, the wounds of past relationships all conspire to make til-death-do-us-part seem like a risky proposition. But the authors of Catholic and Married all agree, marriage is the adventure of a lifetime.
In these sometimes funny, tell-it-like-it-is chapters, this diverse group of men and women offer you their insights and advice on: Children - the gift that keeps on giving Marrying young - objections and object lessons Contraception - an honest discussion on a touchy subject Parenting skills - it's not rocket science (it just feels like it sometimes) And much more!
These stories will encourage you to lean into love. Hold nothing back. And experience the Catholic marriage God intended for you.
By Joseph D. White, PhD
Some parts of the job are obvious. Don't run with scissors. Brush your teeth. Be kind to animals.
But some parts of parenting are not so cut and dry.
How do I set healthy limits and risk not being liked? How do I turn off technology - theirs and mine? How do I say "no" when everyone else is saying "yes"? How do I raise them Catholic and keep them Catholic? How do I manage our crazy schedules? How do I get to work on my family?
Dr. Joseph White, practicing clinical psychologist and noted author, just handed you the toolbox.
With almost 20 years of experience counseling children and families, Dr. White knows how to break down the tough topics into bite size pieces for families. Practical advice, actionable tips, and comforting stories combine to give parents exactly the tools they need to learn:
How to fearlessly form your kids in the faith How to simplify the family schedule and keep your sanity How to discipline your kids (and not feel guilty) How to raise thankful children How to make your kids gracious winners How to be a married couple and parents at the same time (and why it matters)
All parents face challenges, but Catholic parents have a unique opportunity - the ability to weather any storm with the grace that comes from their Catholic faith. And a bit of help from A Catholic Parent's Toolbox.
A treasure-trove of heart-warming stories, practical help, and inspiration for fathers of children with special needs.
Based on years of research in the area of attachment and bonding, How We Love Our Kids shows parents how to overcome the predictable challenges that arise out of the five love styles and helps parents cultivate a secure, deep connection with a child of any age. Retool your reactions and refocus on how you love. Start today. Watch your kids flourish and thrive as they receive what was missing in your love.
Aquilina, Mike
Guarendi, Ray
Vogt, Susan
Feldhahn, Shaunti
Stanton, Glenn
In Loaded: Money and the Spirituality of Enough, lawyer-turned-writer Heather King shares her own recovery around money as well as the stories of others who have worked to reverse self-defeating patterns and move on to a healthy, mindful relationship with money. In an approach that’s very much informed by Jesus’s many words on the subject, she offers simple, proactive and transformative steps you can take to heed the Gospel’s call in your own life.