This collection of light-hearted anecdotes has been compiled from conversations with couples who have found the key to a happy, fulfilling marriage.
The mingling of the love of spouse with and in the love of God is and has always been the foundation for a life of peace, creativity, vibrancy, and sanctity. Improve your marriage with popular speaker and author!
The secret to a happy marriage is in knowing that married life is a work in progress. In The Husband Handbook, the authors draw on their own successes and failures as husbands to provide the reader with new insights into how every marriage can move forward. Practical and based on real life experience, this handbook provides steps for effective communication, anger management, and better sex. Each chapter ends with points to consider in your marriage, leading you to your own insights into making the most of being a great leader, lover, nurturer from this day forward.
Catholic annulment is often viewed as an obstacle to marriage or a formality of canon law. Few people realize that annulment is more than just a process--annulment leads to healing. The authors draw upon their own experience of Catholic annulment to describe not only the procedure but also the peace it brought into their lives.
Bartowski, Ren
Based on Scripture, documents of the Magisterium, and the works of trustworthy spiritual guides, this is a compact, complete, and inspiring guide to the nobility and beauty of Christian marriage.
Sheen, Fulton
Fleming, Austi
Shlemon, Barba
By Rose Sweet
You CAN understand annulment. You just need a little help!
You never wanted this to happen, but now you're civilly divorced. There's no such thing as Catholic divorce because in God's eyes a valid marriage can never be broken. But sometimes what looks like a marriage from the outside can be fatally flawed from the beginning.
Only God can see deeply into the human heart. He knows how human frailty and weakness, and inabilities of some people to enter into marriage freely and fully despite their best attempts. After careful study of such an attempted union, the Church may be able to declare that no valid marriage bond was created. And this book will help you understand the process.
Regardless of your situation, the Church is here to help and you don't have to be a priest or canon lawyer to understand the basics. This little book with big help dispels the common myths and misunderstandings about marriage, divorce, and annulments, and is helpful for:
Divorced men and women who are considering if they have grounds for an annulment
Those who need help completing their formal petition for a Decree of Nullity (annulment)
Lay or religious ministers who work with the separated and divorced
Parish priests and deacons involved in divorce ministry
Those who counsel divorced Catholics
Anyone who wants to know more about what the Church really teaches about divorce
Evert, Jason
Rowland, Susan
For Better, For Worse, For God offers practical steps couples can take to enrich their marriage, such as better communication and conflict resolution; an approach to praying together and experiencing spirituality as a couple; a refreshing view of sexuality; and an invitation to a renewed sense of mission as husband and wife.
Packed into 101 bite-sized suggestions, 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person is the help you need to approach dating with confidence and joy, while at the same time helping you become the best, most marriage-ready version of yourself.
Peters, Edward
Cavins, Jeff
In this ground-breaking book, Michele Weiner-Davis gives straightforward, effective advice on how couples can stay together instead of come apart.
Popcak, Gregor
By William May
Is marriage the foundation of family life? Many people today would say, “No!” Others would say, “Yes!”, but they would define “family” and “marriage” in ways at odds with how the words have been used almost throughout human history. In this revised and expanded edition of Marriage: The Rock on Which the Family is Built, internationally-renowned theologian William E. May makes the case for marriage’s foundational role for family, with marriage defined as the union of one man and one woman. Drawing on Pope John Paul II’s “theology of the body”, he explains the person-affirming, love-enabling, life-giving, and sanctifying nature of marriage. He shows how marriage is necessarily a complementary union of man and woman and how this rules out the idea of “same-sex” marriage.
May argues, drawing on Popes Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, that marriage fully respects the equal dignity of husband and wife as persons, while recognizing their unique, exclusive, enduring, complementary contributions to their union. Likewise, he shows how marriage honors the truth that each new human life brought about by sexual union is a person equal in dignity to his mother and father. What’s more, both reason and revelation are used to show that only the family, founded on marriage as an enduring, mutually-exclusive union of one man and one woman, provides the proper context for begetting and raising children.
Reproductive technologies are also critically examined and the author argues that human beings ought to be begotten in an act of spousal love, not made through in vitro fertilization. Furthermore, the role of the family as the “domestic church”, a community of holiness, is explored. This expanded edition includes new chapters: “‘Man and Woman He Created Them’: Pope John Paul II’s Catechesis on Human Sexuality” and “Pope Benedict XVI and Marriage,” the latter summarizing Benedict’s thought on marriage, particularly as found in his first encyclical Deus Caritas Est. Also included is Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Families”.
Art and Laraine Bennett
"And they lived happily ever after." Only in fairy tales, you say. But there is life after the honeymoon-messy, challenging, happily-married life. That's the great promise of Catholic marriage, and if you're married or considering marriage the joy is there for you, too.
Many Catholics today share the culture's unease-fear of divorce, the prevalence of cohabitation, the wounds of past relationships all conspire to make til-death-do-us-part seem like a risky proposition. But the authors of Catholic and Married all agree, marriage is the adventure of a lifetime.
In these sometimes funny, tell-it-like-it-is chapters, this diverse group of men and women offer you their insights and advice on: Children - the gift that keeps on giving Marrying young - objections and object lessons Contraception - an honest discussion on a touchy subject Parenting skills - it's not rocket science (it just feels like it sometimes) And much more!
These stories will encourage you to lean into love. Hold nothing back. And experience the Catholic marriage God intended for you.
Hahn, Kimberly
Alexander, Gre
Guarendi, Ray
Here is the perfect resource for encouraging married couples to engage in the spiritual discipline of daily prayer as a means of affirming the blessings and intimacy of their relationship.
Nationally syndicated radio hosts and international family life speakers Greg and Lisa Popcak combine decades of counseling, the latest findings in marriage research, twenty-three years of marriage, and the wisdom of Catholic teaching to offer newlyweds a master plan for creating a strong bond in the first five years of marriage.
Raymond Dennehy
This book presents five insightful essays by well-known theologians and writers who give powerful witness to the truths about love, sex, and marriage illuminated by Humanae Vitae, the prophetic encyclical by Pope Paul VI.
The pieces by Hans Urs von Balthasar, Louis Bouyer, and Malcom Muggeridge were delivered at a symposium on Humanae Vitae held in 1978 at the University of San Francisco. In this year of the fiftieth anniversary of Humanae Vitae, Ignatius Press is pleased to re-release this entire collection, masterfully introduced by Raymond Dennehy.
At the time of the symposium, Muggeridge was not yet a Catholic and perhaps more famous outside the Church than within it for his colorful career as a leftist British journalist, an Allied spy during World War II, and an unorthodox Christian convert with a remarkable relationship with Mother Teresa. In his essay "Humane Vitae: What's Really at Stake?" he discusses the impact of contraception on the traditional family.
In "The Ethics of Marriage", French priest and theologian Bouyer, formerly a Lutheran, contrasts the "would-be theologians who launched incredible propaganda against Pope Paul and his teaching" with non-Catholics and even non-Christians who praised the pope for upholding the sacredness of sexuality and human life.
Von Balthasar, a Swiss priest and theologian later named a Cardinal by Pope John Paul II, offers a profound meditation on Ephesians 5:21–23. The book concludes with an introduction to Love and Responsibility by Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II).
Marriages may be made in heaven, but they must be nurtured here on earth. In this new paperback edition of Dr. Gary Chapman's bestselling book, The Five Love Languages, he explains how people communicate love in different ways, and shares the wonderful things that happen when men and women learn to speak each other's language. Chapters are categorized by love language and each one ends with simple steps to express a specific language to your spouse and guide your marriage in the right direction.
Feldhahn, Shau