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Confirmation Standing Cross 3" Pewter Confirmation Wall Cross - "Grow in the Grace of the Lord" Confirmation Sponsor Thank You Cros
Confirmation Sponsor Thank You Cros
Gloria Deo Price: $16.99
CONFIRMATION 3 IN STAND MESS CROSS GIFT BOXED Cross shaped wall plaques feature traditional Confirmation dove designs

Inscribed with the verse: "Grow in the Grace of the Lord"
Confirmation Cross Filigree Confirmation Wall Cross Confirmed i Plaque - Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Confirmation Cross Filigree
Gloria Deo Price: $17.99
Confirmation Wall Cross Confirmed i
Gloria Deo Price: $17.99
Plaque - Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Gloria Deo Price: $19.99
CONFIRMATION FILIGREE CROSS W/BURGUNDY RIBBON & RUBY CRYSTALS 5.5 IN CONFIRMATION MESS WALL CROSS GIFT BOXED Marble-look plaque is cross shaped and features an etched design. Can hang, or stand with easel backer.
Cross - Confirmation: Gifts of the Spirit Confirmation - 4" Pewter Standing Cross Confirmation Cross Gifts of the Spirit
6" Brass Confirmation Cross with Pewter Gifts of the Spirit 4" Pewter Standing Holy Spirit Cross
Cross - Confirmation: Gifts of the Holy Spirit Cross - Confirmation: Confirmed in Christ Plaque - Confirmation Genuine Pewter Cross
6" Pewter Gifts of the Spirit Cross 6" Pewter Confirmation Cross 5" Fine Pewter Confirmation Holy Spirit Cross
Cross - 5" Confirmation (Antique Pewter) Confirmation Standing Cross 5-in Crucifix - Confirmation: Holy Spirit Cut-Out
Confirmation Standing Cross 5-in
Gloria Deo Price: $24.99
5" pewter cross has image of dove in center, "Confirmed in Christ" at top. 4 3/4 IN CONFIRM STAND CROSS W/DESCENDING DOVE GIFT BOXED 8" Walnut Holy Spirit Crucifix
Cross - Confirmation Blessings Inlay Evangelist Crucifix (10") Cross - Confirmation: Gifts of the Spirit
Evangelist Crucifix (10")
Gloria Deo Price: $39.99
7" Holy Spirit Cherry Cross The crucifix depicts the traditional images or emblems for the Four Evangelists on the ends:
  • St. Matthew (angel)
  • St. Mark (winged lion)
  • St. Luke (winged bull)
  • St. John (eagle)
7" Cherry Gift of the Spirit Cross
Confirmation Crucifix (10")
Confirmation Crucifix (10")
Gloria Deo Price: $47.99
10" Bird's Eye Cross with Red Epoxy, Antique Silver Pewter Image, and Dove