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New Age Counterfeit, The: A Study Guide for Individual or Group Use
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Why Catholics Cannot Be Masons
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Freemasonry : Mankind's Hidden Enemy
Gloria Deo Price:
As seen on EWTN, this informative study guide encourages individuals to learn why various aspects of the New Age religion are incompatible with Christianity.
By John Salza
Many good Catholic men have been deceived into becoming Masons. In this powerful little book, a Catholic attorney and former 32nd degree Mason, John Salza, clearly shows why joining Masonry (including the Shriners) means embracing a false religion.
Having authored Masonry Unmasked for general readership, here John Salza writes specifically for Catholics, showing why the Church has always condemmed Freemasonry, and continues to condemn Freemasonry today (despite mistaken claims to the contrary.) He explains Masonic doctrines, history, rituals, oaths and curses, showing that Masonry is totally incompatible with Christianity and the Catholic Faith.
He answers the questions: Who is the god of Freemasonry? How does Freemasonry view the Holy Bible? What are the self-curses of Freemasonry? Why does Freemasonry appear to be compatible with the Christian Faith? What have the Popes said about Freemasonry? Are Catholics involved in Freemasonry excommunicated? How does a Catholic exit Freemasonry?
Packed with facts and very well documented, Why Catholics Cannot Be Masons is a brief but potent revelation by a man who has been there - and then returned to the One True Faith.
John Salza has appeared on EWTN, and he hosts Catholic radio programs on Relevant Radio and EWTN Radio. He is the author of several apologetics books including: The Biblical Basis for Purgatory, The Mystery of Predestination, and The Biblical Basis for the Papacy.
By Br. Charles Madden O.F.M. Conv.
New Expanded edition! A short; incisive examination of Freemasonry; giving a brief; clear overview of the subject. Written to convince today's Catholics that they must not join this cult. Quotes Leo XIII's famous encyclical On Freemasonry (1884); proves it is a secret society; a religion of naturalism and that it aims at subverting the influence of the Catholic Church. Gives current official Catholic statements; intended to end confusion about Catholics joining this cult. New material includes "Masons and Mafias;" discussing the partnership of these two groups in Europe; and Appendix F; "Kadosh--30th Degree;" which describes a Masonic ceremony which involves trampling on the papal tiara.
AA-1025: Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration into the Church
Gloria Deo Price:
Catholic Church and Science, The: Answering the Questions, Exposing the Myths
Gloria Deo Price:
Pope Benedict and the Sexual Abuse
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By Marie Carre
Absorbing and compelling reading from beginning to end, AA -1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church is a must read for every Catholic today and for all who would understand just what has happened to the Catholic Church since the 1960 s.
In the 1960's, a French nurse, Marie Carre, attended an auto-crash victim who was brought into her hospital in a city she purposely does not name. The man lingered there near death for a few hours and then died. He had no identification on him, but he had a briefcase in which there was a set of quasi-autobiographical notes. She kept these notes and read them, and because of their extraordinary content, decided to publish them.
The result is this little book, AA-1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church, a strange and fascinating account of a Communist who purposely entered the Catholic priesthood along with many others, with the intent to subvert and destroy the Church from within. His strange yet fascinating and illuminating set of biographical notes, tells of his commission to enter the priesthood, his experiences in the seminary, and the means and methods he used and promoted to help effect from within the auto-dissolution of the Catholic Church.
No one will read this book without a profound assent that something just like what is describer here must surely have happened on a wide scale in order to have disrupted the life of the Catholic Church so dramatically.
By Dr. Benjamin Wiker
Were the Middle Ages dark for science? Did the pope say Darwin was right? From the Big Bang to Galileo, from the origins of life on Earth to the existence of life on other planets, The Catholic Church and Science clears away the fog of falsehood and misunderstanding to reveal a faith whose doctrines do not contradict the facts of science, but harmonize with them and a universe whose uncanny order and precision point not to chance assemblage by random forces, but to the purpose-built design of an intelligent creator.
Author Ben Wiker (The Darwin Myth, A Meaningful World) takes on the most common errors that modern materialistic thinkers, convinced that faith and science must be mortal enemies, have foisted into popular culture. With great learning, clarity, and wit he tackles stubborn confusions many people have about the relationship between Christianity especially Catholicism and the empirical sciences, and separates truth from lies, the factual from the fanciful.
Erlandson, Gre
Faith , Reason And The War Against Jihadism
Gloria Deo Price:
Church and New Media , The : Bloggi
Gloria Deo Price:
Render Unto Caesar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life
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George Weigel
More than half a decade after 9/11, safe passage through a moment of history fraught with both peril and possibility requires Americans across the political spectrum to see things as they are.
In this incisive, engaging study of the present danger and what we must do to prevail against it, George Weigel, one of America's foremost public intellectuals, does precisely that: he sees, and describes, things as they are-and as they might be. Drawing on a quarter century of experience at the intersection of moral argument and public policy, he describes rigorously and clearly the threat posed by global jihadism: the religiously inspired ideology which teaches that it is the moral obligation of all Muslims to employ whatever means are necessary to compel the world's submission to Islam. Exploring that ideology's theological, social, cultural, and political roots, Weigel points a new direction for both public policy and interreligious dialogue, one that meets the challenge of jihadism forthrightly while creating the conditions for a less threatening, more mutually enriching encounter between Islam and the West.
Essential reading in a time of momentous political decisions, Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism is a clarion call for a new seriousness of debate and a new clarity of purpose in American public life.
Vogt, Brandon
Vivid, provocative, clear, and compelling,
Render unto Caesar
is a call to American Catholics to serve the highest ideals of their nation by first living their Catholic faith deeply, authentically.
Cube and the Cathedral , The : Europe, America, and Politics Without God
Gloria Deo Price:
Infinite Bandwidth : Encountering C
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Dangers to the Faith: Recognizing Catholicism's 21st-Century Opponents
Gloria Deo Price:
Why do Europeans and Americans see the world so differently? Why do Europeans and Americans have such different understandings of democracy? Contrasting the civilization that produced the starkly modernist "cube" of the Great Arch of La Defense in Paris with the civilization that produced the "cathedral" of Notre-Dame, George Weigel argues that Europe's embrace of a narrow secularism has led to a crisis that is eroding Europe's soul and threatening its future-with dire lessons for the rest of the democratic world. Weigel traces the origins of the atheistic humanism of 19th-century European intellectual life, which set in motion a historical process that produced two world wars, three totalitarian systems, the Gulag, Auschwitz, the Cold War-and, most ominously, the Continent's de-population, which is worse today than during the Black Death. And yet, many Europeans still insist that only a public square shorn of religiously-informed moral argument is safe for human rights and democracy. Precisely the opposite, Weigel suggests, is true: the people of the "cathedral" can give a compelling account of their commitment to everyone's freedom; the people of the "cube" cannot. In the final analysis, societies are only as great as their spiritual aspirations.
Gan, Eugene
By Al Kresta
A storm has been brewing in society and its treatment, views, and activities toward the Catholic Faith.
Some are subtle, others are more brazen -- New Age thought, questionable spirituality, "creedless" Christianity, relativism, scientific skepticism, the triumph of technology, and even the self-styled spirituality of Oprah Winfrey.
All these masquerade as "truth," making it tough for the average Catholic to know how to resist, let alone respond.
No one is more qualified to pull back the curtain on the challenges the Catholic Church faces today than Al Kresta, popular Catholic author, speaker, and radio show host. A revert to Catholicism, Kresta is well known for his rigorous examination of topics in art, religion, academia, and business.
Dangers to the Faith: Recognizing Catholicism's 21st Century Opponents is the perfect springboard for discussing the new world in which the Catholic Church exists today. Learn how to better carry out the missionary mandate of the Church. The question isn't whether you will be a witness to Christ, but whether you will be an effective witness.
Liberty Threat , The: The Attack on Religious Freedom in America Today
Gloria Deo Price:
Jesus Papyrus, The: The Most Sensational Evidence on the Origin of the Gospel Since the Discover of the Dead Sea Scrolls
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How To Win The Culture War
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By James Tonkowich
Americans are losing what are supposed to be constitutionally promised rights at an alarming pace. The Founding Fathers understood the overriding essentiality of religious practice unimpeded by governmental authority, but time and vast cultural change has eroded this from the consciences of modern politicians. The struggle for the right to worship freely has been present since the time of the Holy Roman Empire.
By looking at how the Ancient Christian world relates to the failures of our own Supreme Court, it is possible to see what has lead to so much government interference in personal religious beliefs in the name of "equality". As we watch America teeter ever closer to the brink of moral collapse and prejudice towards religion become ever more institutionalized, one question always surfaces: How can we stop this?
In this book, the author explores the history of Christian philosophy from the Church's infancy through the birth of America and how it influenced religious liberty. With powerful examples fresh from today's courts, Tonkowich illustrates just how the rigid separation of Church and state has created a world that is hostile to true faith. This book is both a chilling wake-up call and a clear call to action for Christians everywhere.
This compelling story shows how three small papyrus fragments vaulted from near-obscurity to become recognized as the treasured missing proof that Matthew was an eyewitness to Jesus. 8-page photo insert.
Kreeft, Peter
Peter Kreeft examines the true nature of the "culture war" today, identifies the real enemies facing the church and maps out a strategy for battle.
Da Vinci Hoax, The: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code
Gloria Deo Price:
Off the Hook: God, Love, Dating, and Marriage in a Hookup World
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Now They Call Me Infidel : Why I Re
Gloria Deo Price:
By Carl Olson
The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown’s best selling novel, purports to be more than fiction: it claims to be based on fact and scholarly research. Brown wants his readers to believe that he is revealing the long-concealed truth about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and early Christianity, a truth that he says has been suppressed by the malevolent and conspiratorial forces of the Catholic Church. The novel alleges that there has been throughout history a secret group of true followers of a Gnostic Jesus and his wife, Mary Magdalene, the true “Holy Grail”. Almost everything most Christians and non-Christians think they know about Jesus, according to Dan Brown, is completely wrong, the result of Catholic propaganda designed to hide the truth from the world.
But are The Da Vinci Code’s claims fact or just plain fiction? Is the novel well-researched as claimed? What is the truth about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the early Church? Has the Catholic Church distorted the real Jesus? Why is the novel so popular? What about the anti-Catholic, anti-Christian agenda behind the novel?
Best selling author Carl Olson and journalist Sandra Miesel answer these and other important questions. Their painstaking research into The Da Vinci Code and its sources reveals some surprising truths. No one who has read or heard about The Da Vinci Code should miss this provocative and illuminating book.
“The title of this book by Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel says it all. The authors of The Da Vinci Hoax deserve our gratitude for exposing in considerable detail and with a sure touch the fabrications of Dan Brown’s book. Theirs is the definitive debunking.”
--Cardinal Francis George
Archbishop of Chicago
"You'll save yourself precious time and money, and hang on to your common sense, if you skip The Da Vinci Code and go straight to Carl Olson's and Sandra Miesel's wonderful The Da Vinci Hoax. Conspiracy theories are always alluring, but nothing satisfies like the truth -- and Olson and Miesel do a superb job of defending the Catholic faith against one of the strangest pieces of fiction of our time."
--Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Denver
"Finally! Someone has taken the trouble to counter the absurdities of The Da Vinci Code, and to confront all the anti-Christian and anti-Catholic rhetoric that book has inspired. In writing their own well-informed and well-argued text, Olson and Miesel have done a real service, not just to Christians, but to anyone weary of contemporary fads and foolishness. And unlike the original Code, The Da Vinci Hoax is a delight to read."
--Philip Jenkins
Distinguished Professor of History and Religious Studies, Pennsylvania State University
“In The Da Vinci Hoax, Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel bring their considerable analytical powers to bear on the phenomenally successful novel by Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code is a writhing nest of neo-Gnostic myths, blatant falsehoods, half-truths and absurd suppositions presented as facts--indeed, it is one of the most odious cases of revisionist history that have appeared during the past two centuries.
Olson and Miesel dissect it carefully--break the code of the Code, as it were--revealing not only Brown’s distortions of history but the underlying malice in his ‘fictional’ attack on Christianity. The Da Vinci Hoax is more than a refutation of a single book; it is an antidote to a poisonous genre that is growing in contemporary writing. This is a fascinating read and very good medicine!”
--Michael O’Brien
Author, Father Elijah: An Apocalypse
“I’ve painfully watched some usually-sensible university students fall victim to The Da Vinci Code disease. I’ll enjoy having this clearly-written antidote to prescribe.”
--Marvin Olasky
Professor, The University of Texas at Austin
Editor-in-chief, World Magazine
“Olsen and Miesel have done a superb and meticulous job of dissecting the fraud which is The Da Vinci Code. Not only Christians, but all fair –minded people owe them a debt of gratitude.”
--James Hitchcock
Professor of History, St. Louis University
Timothy P. O'Malley
"Hookup culture is about much more than the quest for pleasure. It offers an easy way out of real communication and lasting relationships. It also teaches us to treat each other as objects for personal satisfaction. Even those who reject the hookup culture can still be negatively affected by it and develop poor habits of relating to others. In Off the Hook, Timothy P. O'Malley, professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, shows how God's plan for love serves to heal the wounds of hookup culture and is a medicine for what ails our understanding of sex, romance, love, and marriage"--
Darwish, Noni
Leisure: The Basis of Culture
Gloria Deo Price:
New Evangelization, The: Overcoming the Obstacles
Gloria Deo Price:
Gospel of the Family: Going Beyond Cardinal Kasper's Proposal in the Debate on Marriage, Civil Re-Marriage and Communion in the Church
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One of the most important philosophy titles published in the 20th century, Josef Pieper’s
Leisure, the Basis of Culture
more significant, even more crucial, today than it was when it first appeared more than 50 years ago. This edition also includes Pieper's
The Philosophical Act.
This book identifies and addresses the most important obstacles to the success of the new evangelization doctrinally, spiritually and pastorally, by leading experts in the field.
A response to Walter Cardinal Kasper's call to reexamine the Church's ministry to divorced and remarried Catholics.
Poor Old Liberal Arts , The
Gloria Deo Price:
Language Of God
Gloria Deo Price:
Benedict Option , The : A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation
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Robert Gannon
In this engaging memoir that covers fifty years of a lifetime spent in education as student, teacher, dean, and college president, the author presents a theme of profound importance for society in general, and for the future of education in particular – the loss of the liberal arts in our time, and how to regain them.
When young Robert Gannon was a college freshman in the early twentieth century, it was unthinkable that there would ever be a time when Greek and Latin would not be an essential part of the college curriculum. But over the next several decades, in a world radically altered by two world wars, he saw the liberal arts retreat before the New Materialism.
With wit and charm Gannon recounts along the way colorful episodes and amusing experiences of his many years involved with education and the liberal arts. He reflects on the great impact for good that the liberal arts have had in forming generations of students, and why their loss is such a tragedy. His trenchant remarks on the state of modern education in America and its future prospects make The Poor Old Liberal Arts a spirited, enjoyable and insightful work.
Collins, Franc
Rod Dreher
From the inside, American churches have been hollowed out by the departure of young people and by an insipid pseudo-Christianity. From the outside, they are beset by challenges to religious liberty in a rapidly secularizing culture. Keeping Hillary Clinton out of the White House may have bought a brief reprieve from the state's assault, but it will not stop the West's slide into decadence and dissolution.
Rod Dreher argues that the way forward is actu-ally the way back--all the way to St. Benedict of Nur-sia. This sixth-century monk, horrified by the moral chaos following Rome's fall, retreated to the forest and created a new way of life for Christians. He built enduring communities based on principles of order, hospitality, stability, and prayer. His spiritual centers of hope were strongholds of light throughout the Dark Ages, and saved not just Christianity but Western civilization.
Today, a new form of barbarism reigns. Many believers are blind to it, and their churches are too weak to resist. Politics offers little help in this spiritual crisis. What is needed is the Benedict Option, a strategy that draws on the authority of Scripture and the wisdom of the ancient church. The goal: to embrace exile from mainstream culture and construct a resilient counterculture.
The Benedict Option is both manifesto and rallying cry for Christians who, if they are not to be conquered, must learn how to fight on culture war battlefields like none the West has seen for fifteen hundred years. It's for all mere Chris-tians--Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox--who can read the signs of the times. Neither false optimism nor fatalistic despair will do. Only faith, hope, and love, embodied in a renewed church, can sustain believers in the dark age that has overtaken us. These are the days for building strong arks for the long journey across a sea of night.
Architects of the Culture of Death
Gloria Deo Price:
What We Can't Not Know: A Guide
Gloria Deo Price:
Christianity and Democracy: The Rights of Man and The Natural Law
Gloria Deo Price:
By Donald De Marco, PhD and Benjamin Wiker
The phrase, "the Culture of Death", is bandied about as a catch-all term that covers abortion, euthanasia and other attacks on the sanctity of life. In Architects of the Culture of Death, authors Donald De Marco and Benjamin Wiker expose the Culture of Death as an intentional and malevolent ideology promoted by influential thinkers who specifically attack Christian morality's core belief in the sanctity of human life and the existence of man's immortal soul. In scholarly, yet reader-friendly prose, De Marco and Wiker examine the roots of the Culture of Death by introducing 23 of its architects, including Ayn Rand, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Jean-Paul Sartre, Alfred Kinsey, Margaret Sanger, Jack Kevorkian, and Peter Singer.
Still, this is not a book without hope. If the Culture of Death rests on a fragmented view of the person and an eclipse of God, the future of the Culture of Life relies on an understanding and restoration of the human being as a person, and the rediscovery of a benevolent God. The personalism of John Paul II is an illuminating thread that runs through Architects, serving as a hopeful antidote.
"An action-packed, riveting and educational expose that reveals little-known facts that are shocking and incredible. You will not want to put this book down..."
-Judy Brown, President, American Life League
Donald De Marco is the author of several books, including The Heart of Virtue. Benjamin Wiker is the author of Moral Darwinism.
By J. Budziszewsik
Revised and Expanded Edition
In this new revised edition of his groundbreaking work, Professor J. Budziszewski questions the modern assumption that moral truths are unknowable. With clear and logical arguments he rehabilitates the natural law tradition and restores confidence in a moral code based upon human nature.
What We Can't Not Know explains the rational foundation of what we all really know to be right and wrong and shows how that foundation has been kicked out from under western society. Having gone through stages of atheism and nihilism in his own search for truth, Budziszewski understands the philosophical and personal roots of moral relativism. With wisdom born of both experience and rigorous intellectual inquiry, he offers a firm foothold to those who are attempting either to understand or to defend the reasonableness of traditional morality.
While natural law bridges the chasms that can be caused by religious and philosophical differences, Budziszewski believes that natural law theory has entered a new phase, in which theology will again have pride of place. While religious belief might appear to hamper the search for common ground, Budziszewski demonstrates that it is not an obstacle, but a pathway to apprehending universal norms of behavior.
"All too often higher education today deems its task to be the production of epistemological agnostics and moral nihilists. What We Can't Not Know provides young people with the argumentative ammunition they need to resist that juggernaut."
- John M. Grondelski, First Things
By Jacques Maritain
Few political philosophers have laid such stress upon the organic and dynamic characters of human rights, rooted as they are in natural law, as did the great 20th century philosopher, Jacques Maritain.
As this important work reveals, the philosophy of Maritain on natural law and human rights is complemented by and can only be properly understood in the light of his teaching on Christianity and democracy and their relationship. Maritain shows that Christianity cannot be made subservient to any political form or regime, that democracy is linked to Christianity, and that in order for democracy to thrive, it must reflect certain values historically derived from the Gospel.
He also argues that personalist or organic democracy provides a fuller measure of freedom and fulfillment, and that it takes shape under the inspiration of the Gospel. Even the modern democracies we have, with all their weaknesses, represent an historic gain for the person and they spring, he urges, from the very Gospel they so wantonly repudiate!
"Maritain was one of the pioneers of the Catholic human rights revolution, which changed the course of 20th century politics. While helping the Church through a genuine development of social doctrine, Maritain helped forge some of the tools that eventually broke through the Berlin Wall."
-George Weigel, Ethics and Public Policy Center
"In these passionate words one encounters the mind of Maritain in all its vigor and variety. His reflections on the challenges facing the world's democratic experiments-starkly realistic yet infused with Christian hope-are as timely today as they were seventy years ago."
-Mary Ann Glendon, Harvard University
"This has been one of my all-time favorite 'David books' - those little books that take down Goliaths. Almost single-handedly, Maritain launched an hypothesis on the Christian (and Jewish) origins of the foundational axioms of democracy, of which many atheists are now coming to admit the truth. The sheer power of his hypothesis is more evident with every passing year. The republication of this classic is therefore bound to kindle longing for a deeper, more just reevaluation."
-Michael Novak, American Enterprise Institute
"Maritain's achievement as a political thinker was to show that rightly understood, democratic liberty depends on faith, and that to lose God is to lose Man himself. Maritain's argument is needed today more than ever."
-J. Budziszewski, University of Texas
"Maritain was the most well-known Catholic philosopher who sought to reconcile the 'rights' and 'democracy' principles of the modern state with classic western philosophical traditions. He was a man of true wisdom."
-James V. Schall, S. J., Georgetown University
"The decision to reissue the single-volume edition of Maritain's classic works could not have come at a more urgent time, a time when, perhaps as never before, the future of democracy hangs in the balance."
- Raymond Dennehy, University of San Francisco
Abolition of Woman , The : How Radical Feminism is Betraying Women
Gloria Deo Price:
Calm in Chaos : Catholic Wisdom for Anxious Times
Gloria Deo Price:
Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism: A Call to Action
Gloria Deo Price:
By Fiorella Nash
For the great majority on both sides of the abortion debate, the idea of a pro-life feminist is the ultimate contradiction in terms. Abortion has become so central to feminist thinking that women who affirm their belief in both women's empowerment and the inalienable right to life can find themselves viewed with suspicion and hostility from both sides. Yet the author of this book is indeed a pro-life feminist, and her insightful analysis of contemporary issues can provide the basis for common ground between those defending human rights.
This book unashamedly calls mainstream feminists, journalists and Western politicians to account for their silence and - in some cases - vocal justification of the persecution of women because of an absolutist loyalty to abortion. It asks uncomfortable questions to those who claim to believe in women's empowerment: Where is their passionate outrage when Chinese women are forcibly aborted and sterilised? Where is their concern for the thousands of baby girls killed by abortion every year because their lives are held as worthless simply for being female? What about the thousands of women used as surrogates for wealthy Western couples, treated as chattels and denied their most basic human rights? But the book also tackles difficult issues for the pro-life side--the need for a sensitive, realistic approach to problematic pregnancies and the importance of confronting the continued exploitation and abuse of women within a sexualised society.
Pro-life feminism is not only possible, it is vital if the complex struggles facing women are to be adequately met. Abolition of Woman is a rallying cry to feminists to stand with the pro-life movement, fighting to build a society in which women are equal and every human life is protected.
By George Rutler
In these brilliant essays the renowned writer and churchman Fr. George Rutler addresses our current causes of anxiety and our never-changing, ever-new reasons for hope. His writings on the issues of our day are neither pessimistic nor optimistic, because they are infused with the confidence that God grants us his peace and no earthly circumstance can take it away.
With insight and wit, with breadth and depth, Fr. Rutler comments on the confusion in the Church and the chaos in Western societies, which are not without precedent but are on a uniquely global scale. An underlying theme is his dismay at the lack of historical perspective. He says that the gremlin that haunts our times is ignorance and a failure to recall and to understand the trials of the past.
With an unsettled Middle East, al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups actively plotting against America and its allies, and spillover from religious conflict in Muslim countries spreading instability and violence worldwide, George Weigel’s
Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism
is an acute analysis of one of the most dynamic forces in world politics today – Islamist jihadism.