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Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer
Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer
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Gloria Deo Price: $27.99
Publisher/Mfg: PAUL
Binding: MM

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Item No.: 9781735629377

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This year-long personal prayer book offers insights from spiritual masters, Scripture selections for lectio divina focused on prayer, weekly reflection questions, and an invitation into deeper and more abiding prayer every day of your year.

Do you desire to grow into becoming a person of prayer?
Do you want to understand what praying means?
Do you long to develop a habit of prayer but feel overwhelmed at where to start?

The 365-day book divides the year into thirds pivoting around the writings of Jean Pierre de Cassaude, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, and Gabrielle Bossis. Each week begins with a short excerpt from one of these spiritual writers. Monday-Friday you walk sequentially through the Psalms for the first two sections, and the Gospels for the third. Wednesdays you pause to be nourished by a spiritual maxim by Saint Philip Neri, the Desert Fathers and Mothers, and Saint Francis de Sales. Saturdays you read reflection questions on the themes for the week and are invited to journal if you feel called.

This book is a personal invitation to what you already know and have sensed: seeking your fulfillment which lies in union with God. Our life’s greatest work is to be united with God. This book is about prayer, your life’s greatest work.

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